Artist Profile

Helena Richardson-Collins

As a unique artist who grew up in country Victoria, ran a part studio, part gallery in the Docklands in Melbourne and is now settled in Bendigo, Helena Richardson-Collins (Helena R-C) brings an original style of art that has never before been seen. Using the Australian landscape as her inspiration and driving force, Helena’s artistic expressions have found voice in a range of mediums that, at times, blurs the boundaries between them.

With such diverse applications as framed silk landscapes, handmade felt garments, silk ‘Australian landscape inspired’ fashion garments that belong on international catwalks and boldly textured oil and acrylic paintings, Helena’s stand-alone artworks bring together exquisitely original concepts and styles that are filled with vibrant colours and rich textures.

With years experience in silk painting, Helena is an expert in this challenging medium. Silk painting uses a technique where a brushstroke, once applied, cannot be taken back thereby making Helena’s skilful choice of colour, space and juxtaposition critical in the process as her one-off silk pieces are created. From there, the framing commences, or the sewing process begins with a unique sympathy to feminine modesty and allurement not often evident in current fashion forums.

From achieving success as a dancer during the ‘70s to the point of being courted by five different troupes, to a successful stint in pottery and an uninterrupted pursuit of her first love of oil on canvas where her creations now rest on walls around the world, Helena R-C is a national treasure waiting to be unearthed. With her work increasingly becoming recognised both within Australia and around the world, this recognition won’t be long coming.

I have come all the way from St Kilda to find you, after falling in love with a coat I saw in Melbourne ( whereupon, I ‘accosted’ the lady ( wearing it ) to seek its provenance.  Needless to say, the ‘magic’ you create extends beyond this one piece I saw and I will feel honoured to wear your creations.

Di Edington

- St Kilda, Victoria.

The choice was so hard, I like so many of your beautiful paintings. I can’t wait to put them on my wall. Keep painting I’ll come back for more.


Helena! Magnificent work – love complementary colours and your wet-in-wet work on the silk reminds me of my water colors.

Joel Spencer

Absolutely fabulous, you need to be in Paris in an artists community

Maria Jame
